Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sou o vômito amarelado de Jack.

A luz fraca da lâmpada mal ilumina esse banheirinho de merda. Sem forças pra levantar, fico olhando aquilo que o meu estômago rejeitou.

Um espelho da minha alma.

Sou o suor frio de Jack.

... 'Meu corpo é quente, estou sentindo frio'. Tremo levemente. Estou começando a delirar, acho. Desisto de tentar me levantar, deito no chão em posição fetal.

Sou o fim patético de Jack.

Aos poucos, a lâmpada vai lentamente apagando... Ao passo em que o sono vai me arrebatando.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The way the chief told me, the story goes like this:

This guy, I think it was another indian guy... He was a good guy, but I think he had some problems in the past. Maybe he got in trouble with the law a bit here and there. Maybe he had a rough childhood... Or maybe, he fell in with the wrong crowd...

Or maybe in general felt like he wasn't living up to his potential for whatever reason. And in describing his inner struggles, he says to the Chief: "There are two dogs inside me. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time."

And when I heard that, I really understood this guy. I knew that the one dog was like your dreams and good intentions. He is full of purpose. And order. He maybe represents your respect for others and for yourself... Respect for what you can be if you put your heart into it.

And the other dog... he has no respect for anything. He's like a rabid beast, crazy and self indulgent. He blames everyone else for his sickness. He lashes out at every oportunity. He loves nothing but wallowing in the hot darkness of his anger.

So someone asks this guy, this indian guy, a question. Someone asks him which dog usually wins. And the guy sort of look down and thinks about it for a while. He doesn't say anything for a long time.

And then after a moment's reflection, he answers.

He says, "The dog that wins is the one that I feed the most."

Daredevil 55, David Mack.

Friday, August 04, 2006

*tambores rufando*

Ladies and gentlemen! O maior blog de todos os tempos (ou não), já estreou. Vejam aqui: www.costeletasdoelvis.blogspot.com

(e, sim, agora que estou no Costelinha, vou atualizar menos isso aqui)